Web3 is super exciting, but let’s be real—it’s pretty complex and still new. Imagine being so excited to learn something new only to be bombarded with hundreds of technical jargons that is scattered everywhere and interconnected. So what if there is an more organized and beginner friendly way to learn web3.


Asking questions to understand the problem better.

  1. What problem are we solving?

Web3 concepts are difficult to understand for beginners, leading to frustration and high drop-off rates.

  1. Who are we solving it for?

Students, Designers, Developers, Investors, Enthusiasts.

  1. Why are we solving it?

The complexity of available information discourage many potential learners, hindering the wider adoption and understanding of Web3 technology.

  1. What is the goal we want to achieve?

Find a solution that will encourage user to learn about the concept without leading to drop off.

  1. How are we going to solve the problem?

The concept is in the Early stage of the product development cycle so we will conduct generative research to understand the market and the user to find the best solution for the problem.