Access to healthcare in rural areas is limited due to a shortage of healthcare providers, long travel distances, and insufficient infrastructure, leading to delayed diagnoses and unmanaged chronic conditions. How are we going to solve this?


Discover The Challenges And Strategies For Rural Healthcare In India

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Benefits of Telemedicine

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Healthcare UX: How Design Can Solve Biggest Challenges for Patients, Clinicians, and Institutions

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UX Challenges in the Healthcare Industry and How They Manifest

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More Indians Die Of Poor Quality Care Than Due To Lack Of Access To Healthcare: 1.6 Million

source: [link](,More Indians Die Of Poor Quality Care Than Due To,Access To Healthcare%3A 1.6 Million&text=New Delhi%3A Some 2.4 million,report published in The Lancet.)

Challenges of Telemedicine 👏🏽

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